Vessel Technology For Controlled Pressure Relief

Vessel Technology For Controlled Pressure Relief

Non contact Pressure Sensor is a unique design which provides convenient, wrench-free vessel installation, and the pressure inside vessel will be closely monitored and controlled during digestion. Without any pipe or cable, all vessels can be cooled down outside cavity to speed up cooling process.


In-Vessel Temperature Control Sensor is a flexible, rugged temperature sensor that can read up to 250 . It is completely inert to all corrosive reagents. With its pop-in connection, it is the easiest way to use in-vessel temperature control.


Vessels feature simplified wrench-free handling, high-purity Teflon composition, and a state-of-the-art pressure relief mechanism. If the operating pressure exceeds the vessel limit, a device allows the vessels to release excess pressure, bringing the internal pressure down to a containable level. If the extreme high pressure occurs in a sudden due to wrong operation, a 360 degree safety membrane will be broken to protect the whole vessel.