Company Profile


VGI (PT. VALTEKINDO GLOBAL INTERTEK) was formerly known as WT (CV. WORLD TECHNIQUE) which originally operates as Industrial Machinery and Lab Testing Equipment Distributor for Indonesian market. Grown since 2005, the WORLD TECHNIQUE engaged in the manufacture and trading for rubber products (Industrial Spare Parts). Inspired by the hard work of Mr. Iding Kusnadi (rip), in October 2009 we had been expanding our relations and networks as well as our field towards and concentrated on selling all kinds of machines related to the business / Industries which are being rapidly growing, especially in Indonesia. Our products were came from different brands and countries, such as: China High Quality, Taiwan and South Korea. All the Industrial Machinery and Lab Testing Equipment which we provide have the quality assurance which is meet the international quality standards, such as : ASTM, JIS, CE Certified, ISO- 9001, ISO-14001 etc and supported by reliable parts guarantee, fast after-sales service, personal training / commissioning by our professional trainer and our qualified technicians as well.

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