Three Ring Medium Speed Micropowder Grinder 2

Three Ring Medium Speed Micropowder Grinder 2

HGM Series Three – ring Medium – speed Micro powder Grinder


On basis of more than 20 times experiments and improvement, introducing the latest mechanical techniques of Sweden, HGM Series is superfine Grinding Mill, it is the latest industrial superfine powder processing machinery, HGM Series Three-rings and Medium-speed Micro-powder Grinder can grind calcite, limestone, calcite, dolomite, kaolin, betonies, talc, elite, pyre philter, barite, meerschaum, fluorite, potash ore and other more than 200 kinds of materials that Moth’s hardness is below 7, non-explosive, non-flammable minerals.


Features of HGM series Three-rings and Medium-speed Micro-powder Grinder :

Application : 325-2500 mesh fine powder grinding

Field of application : Agriculture, biology, construction materials, glass / ceramic, mining, mineralogy, metallurgy

Feed material :   medium-hard, hard, brittle, through

Size reduction principle : pressure

Material of grinding Ring and Rollers : manganese steel, chromium-molybdenum Alloy

Dust Filter System : With Bag Dust Filter

Durability : depending on feed material