Portable Fuel Analyzer,Military Grade Portable Fuel Analyzer Specification

Portable Fuel Analyzer,Military Grade Portable Fuel Analyzer Specification

Portable Fuel Analyser, Millitary Grade Portable Fuel Analyser

Fuel Indetifications and Characterization:


-Density/API Gravity

-Distillation Fractions (IBP, 10%, 50%, 90%, FBP)

-Octane (RON, MON, Road)

-Reid Vapor Pressure

-Total aromatics, Olefins, Oxygenates, Saturates, Sulfur Water

-Additivies (MTBE, ETBE, TAME, Ethanol, Methanol)

-BTEX (at>0.1%): Benzene, ethylbenzene, toluene, xylenes


-Measurement Principle: Raman Spectroscopy

-Dispersive 1064 nm Spectrometer

-Light Source : 1064nm, 300mW sample Compartment for 20mL vials

-Integrated Raman Probe with Sample compartment for 20mL vials

-Detector : 256 pixel InGas (thermoelectrically coolded)

-Spectral Resolution : 14 – 20 cm-1

-Spectral Range : 250 – 1850 cm-1

-Warm-up time : 1 minute

-Measurement time : 30 second

-Sampling : Light-tight compartment holds 20ml glass vials (disposable)

-Calibration : Factory set using NIST standard

-Fuel Analysis

-Packaged in 1510 Pelican Case

-Dimensions : 13” x 22”9”, 21 lbs

-TEC cooled In Gas Detector 200 – 1900 cm-1 Raman Shift

-Computer: AMREL – MIL – STD – 810G

-Software: Raman-ID software with basic library search capability 1472 compliant


-Desity/API Gravity

-Cetane Index

-Distillation Fractions (IBP, 10%, 50%, 90%, FBP)

-Total Aromatics, Olefins, Oxygenates, Saturates, Sulfur, Water

-Viscosity (+40C)

-Flash Point

-Clound Point

-Percent Biodiesel

Jet Fuel:

-Density/API Gravity

-Heat of Combustion

-Distillation Fractions (IBP, 10%, 50%, 90%, FBP

-Total Aromatics, Olefins, Oxygenarated, Saturates, Sulfur, Water

-Viscosity (-20C)

-Flash Point

-Pout Point

-Freeze Point

-Thermal Stability.