Pendulum Impact Testing Low-temperature

CDW Series pendulum
Impact Testing Low-temperature Meter is newly researched and developed
compressor refrigeration plant according to requirement of low temperature
device in GB/T 229-2007 <Metallic materials-Charpy notch impact testing
machines>. This device includes compressor refrigation and liquid nitrogen
refrigation. Compressor cooling takes advantage of the principle of heat
balance and loop mixing method to achieve automatic uniform cooling and
constant temperature for samples. The refrigeration mode of ultra-low
temperature equipment adopts mainly liquid nitrogen refrigeration, using the
performance of ultra-low temperature of liquid nitrogen, bassed on heat balance
principle, to achieve automatic uniform cooling, The temperature indicators can
meet the national standard completely. It also satisfy American standards and
European standard, like ASTM,E-23-02a, EN10045,ISO148,ISO83 and other
internasional relative standard.
compressor, DANFUS valve, imported evaporation-condensation machine;
2. Controlled by intelligent
instrument, digital presentasion temperature vale, automatic control
temperature, automatic time and alarm;
3. Easy to operate, prompt
refrigerationing speed, capacious working space, high-preciosion control
4. Make sample fully soaked inside
the plowing liquid, sample can be fully, cooling and uniform.
equipment only needs AC220V power source, which is energy-saving and
environmental protection.