Nodle Instan Automatic 2

Nodle Instan Automatic 2



Double Pressing Shaper

Power             : 2.2 kW 

Throughput   : 120 Kg/h

Speed Mode : Transducer Controlled

Diameter        : 37.5mm

Width of Belt : 210mm

Size                 : 1.5x0.62x1.3m

Equipment Introduction

This equipment consists of five pairs of down rollers and wave formers. The main function of this parts is to press the mixed raw material to belt shape and each pair of roller pressing the belt make it thinner, at last a cutting knife will cut it to strips and the wave former will make wave shape on


Boiling Machine (Steam or Electricity)

Boiling Length             :6m

Throughput                 : 160 Kg/h

Boiling Temperature : 98oC

Size                               : 8.1x0.7x1.2m

Equipment Introduction

This equipment consists of body frame, boiling cases, conveying belt and steam pipelines. Wave shaped noodle strips will be cooked by the steam when it goes through the case and it will have strength and transparency. The speed is adjustable which can be compatible with the Pressing shaper.


Automatic Cutting & Folding Machine

Power       : 2kW

Length      : Changed by Adjusting Chain

Size            : 8.1x0.7x1.2m

Equipment Introduction

This equipment consists of cutting knife, folding part, conveying net, machine frame and driving part. The main function is to cut the noodles in a certain length, different length means different weight,

after the folding process the noodle pieces

will be putted into the fried container more
