Moving Die Rheometer

Auto - feeding
system : Film feed System supply for testing.
It will make your
factory to clean and comfortable. your worker will be comfortable with DMRA.
We also supply two
roll of film, which length is 3000m.
Test sample to
sample width is 12cm.
We made More
shorter length useless fill, which save you cost.
You can also save
your film and it is easy to replace fill.
28plates will help
you your testing.
We are inspired
from Sushi table.
Someone said that
it is ridiculous idea, but we dream come true this idea for our technology.
You just load all
test rubber, just click once on your PC.
Your worker doesn’t
have to keep monitoring test Machine. make your worker free and happy to work.
The collect rubber
arm is very precise movement to collect your test rubber Right position to
You can see graph
on your PC.
The result can
convert to MS EXCEL.
Opted pneumatic
system, which control all auto - system.