Motion Control Trainer (Stepper Motor & DC Motor)

Motion Control Trainer (Stepper Motor & DC Motor)

Stepper Motor

Equipment overview

·        motion control trainer is designed and developed to extend PLC trainer functions, in accordance with the requirements on technology training in vocational and technical scools, as well as technique training in labor training centers.

·        various positioning methods: proximity switch mechanical positioning, stepper motor pulse  sount positioning, accurate stepper motor and encoder closed loop positioning.

·        safety protections: grounded, lead protection, safety  in accordance with related standards. insulated safety sockets, sheathed cables and wires.

Basic configuration

·         stepping transmission mechanism

·         button and indicator unit

·         cables and wires

·         swicthing power supply

·         dimension: 600mmx450mmx300mm (approx.)


DC Motor

Equipment overview

·        motion control trainer is designed and developed to extend PLC trainer functions, in accordance with the requirements on technology training in vocational and technical scools, as well as technique training in labor training centers.

·        various positioning methods: proximity switch mechanical positioning, accurate rotary encoder positioning.

·        safety protections: grounded, lead protection, safety in accordance with related standards. insulated safety sockets, sheathed cables and wires

Basic configuration

·         DC gear motor transmission mechanism

·         button and indicator unit

·         cable and wires

·         switching power supply

·         relays with holder

·         dimension : 600mmx450mmx300mm ( approx.)

·         PLC controller shall be relay output type