Mesin Pengering

Mesin Pengering


Model No.


Kap. Produksi

200~300 kg/jam

Input Material Diameter


Temperature Udara Panas

180~250 áµ’C

Daya Listrik

4kw – 380V-50Hz

Bahan Bakar

Kayu / Batu Bara

Konsumsi Bahan Bakar

20~40 kg/hour

Berat Mesin


Dimensi Mesin

10000x1000x2000 mm


When the material were content with 40% water, it can meet the dry demand for one time, to compared with other dry machine which need twice or three times can make the work more effective.


It is adopted by second circulation system

Automatic feeding

Fast speed of heat flow ,

Air and flow materials fully mixed,

Intensity on dry

The smaller dust, the shorter time will get.

High thermal efficiency

It can dealing with large quantity of wet material in a lot, etc