Mercaptan Sulfur Content (Potentiometric Titration Method)

Mercaptan Sulfur Content (Potentiometric Titration Method)


HK-DP-LC200 Mercaptan sulfur content (potention metric titration method) conforms to ASTM D3227. The instrument adopts potentiometric titration method : the hydrogen sulfide-free sample is dissolved in an alcoholic sodium acetate titration solvent and titrated potentiometrically with silver nitrate solution, using as an indicator the potentional between a glass reference electrode and a silver/silver-sulfide indicating electrode. Under these conditions. The mercaptan sulfur is precipapitated as silver mercaptide and the point of the titration is shown by a large change in cell potential.



·        Windows Operating platforms with convenient operation, straight forward dialog between operator and machine.

·        Real-time display of the titration curve can print and store the titration curve, testing results and data directly.

·        We adopts imported titration unit, makes the instruments measuring accuracy is higher and better stability.

·        The instrument can do the following functions automatically.

·        Cleaning setting value add fluid detect end point, filtering false end, And it features continuous titration function.


Technical Parameters

·         Measuring range: 0.0001%~0.05% (m/m)

·         Precision : relative error ≤5%

·         Potentiometric measuring range : 0~±1999.5mV

·         Basic error : 0.1%F.S ±0.5mV

·         Burette volume : 10ml

·         Min burette volume : 0.01ml