Fruit and Vegetable Chip Processing

Fruit and Vegetable Chip Processing

Fruit and Vegetable Chip Processing Line


Product Introduction

Fruit and vegetable chips were made from variety of fresh fruits and vegetables by low-temperature vacuum frying. The chips maintained the original color, flavor and nutrition of the fruit and vegetable and without the use of chemical additives, it has many advantages like low fat, low calorie and high fiber characteristics, crispy and delicious, good for health.


Equipment Composition

Raw material  —> Peel —> Wash —> Shape —> Freeze —> Pre-cook —> Dipping —> Vacuum fry —> De-oil —> Flavoring —> Packaging


Technical Parameter


Installed Power

Inner Diameter


De-oil type






Fruit and Vegetables

Chips Processing Line




100 mm



De-oil Device


40~50 Kg/h


2.45 x 1.45 x 3.85 m