Automation Modular Flexible Production Line Training System 1

Automation Modular Flexible Production Line Training System 1

Automatic Modular flexible production line training system


Equipment overview

·         This modular flexible production line trainer system is a typical mechatronics and automation product. It is developed to meet the requirements of vocation college, technician training school and educational training institution, which is suitable for the teaching and training of ‘ mechanical , manufacture and automation, mecharonics, electric engineering and automatization, automation engineering, control engineering, control engineering, computer control mechatronic engineering, mechanical design and theory, etc.

·         The training system is composed of loading and detection unit, handling unit, processing and detection unit, transport and sorting unit, transfer and sorting unit, transport and mounting unit, assembly unit, distribution and storage unit, monitoring control unit.

·         It combines pneumatic, motor diving and control, sensor technologies, coming with good flexibility. Each unit is modular designed and equipped with independent PLC control system, the neighboring two unit, three unit…or eight unit can be connected easily to achieve the installation and debugging of mechanical components, pneumatic system, electric control circuit, electromechanical device, automatic control system and industrial network control system.

·         The mechanical structure and control adopt single standrad interfaces, which is high bin compatibility and expansibility. the system can be update to keep in steep with on-site technology extension and deeply meet the training and teaching requirement.TPC/IP communication protocol is adopted for the network communication, so as to realize the real time exchange of control information and state data between each unit. 7' and 256-color touch screen is adopted for the industrial conrtrol.

·         safety protection : grounded, lead protection, safety in accordance with related standards. insulated safety sockets, sheathead cables and wires. leakage voltage and current protection.


Training content

·         sensor application technolgy training ( more than 40 sensor, including capative/inductive/photoelectric/electromagnetic type sensor )

·         pneumatic application technology training( including electronic controlled pneumatic valve,multipleclylinders, pneumatic gripping jaw, vacum chuck, vacum generator, filter reduction valve, etc.)

·         PLC programming training

·         eletrical control circuit training ( including schematic circuit digram analysis, PLC l/O address checking, equipment circuit connection , etc.)

·         mechanical system commissioning training

·         system maintance and fault detection technology training