4 Side Straight Sanding M C 6

4 Side Straight Sanding M C 6

  • Work piece of mould or irregular must be straight line type
  • Work piece capacity of standard type : (L)1000~3000m/m, (W)25~90m/m, (T) 8~75m/m
  • Work piece capacity of request type : (L) 600~-3000m/m, (W) 25~200 m/m, (T) 3~100m.m
  • This series have several optional sanding units, which can reach to the satisfied result at one operation when sanding on a work piece of complication irregular shapes
  • Mass production product are recommended to use auto feeding system for decrease of labor demand and increase productivity.
  • Do you have any question of sanding fields? Let us help you out
  • Any further information, please contact with us.