Coordinate Measuring Machine CMM

Coordinate Measuring Machine CMM

All Series Coordinate Measuring Machine


·        All series designed with granite structure and air bearing guide way

§  CNC Type CMM-C series

§  Manual Type CMM-M Series

§  Multi-function Type CMM-MV Series


·        DCC Type Coordinate Measuring Machine CMM-C series

CMM-C series are designed with moving bridge structure, granite working table, high-resolution linear scale and self-adjusting air bearings on all axes to optimize its stability and solidity of machine structure. CMM-C series integrate 3D technology (Crenshaw controller, Crenshaw probing system for complex part measurement and powerful CMM software) to guarantee the best performance. It can inspect the dimension, shape and position of the box, guide rail and other work piece. CMM is widely used in the field of mechanism, automobile, aviation and high precision tool manufacturing.