Ash Fusibility Determinator Features

Ash Fusibility Determinator Features

Automatically monitor analysis process and provide high definition image of experiment by industrial camera.



High Automation

1. Determine four critical temperatures (DT, ST, HT, FT) automatically.

2. Video clips available for replaying, which makes automatic identification and manually identification available.

3. Auto power off after analysis, shorten operator’s stand – by time and prolongs service life of high temperature parts.


High Stability

1. Optimized sample – loader with high reliability

2.  Durable heating element with Si – Mo material and ergonomic vertical furnace design ensures stable working temperature.


High Precision

1. 3.3 Mega – pixel professional camera provides high resolution image.

2. Excellent image processing method and critical temperature measurement to ensure precise result.


High Safety

1. Unique furnace design with hermetic structure, quantitative gas tightness could be performed inside chamber.

2. Automatically check the gas leakage with auditory alarm and gas flow terminated if triggered.