Alat Uji Tekan Kekerasan Kasur Busa

Principle :
The machine is used to test material compressed indentation hardness, such as sponge, foam and other porous elastic. Principle: Put specimen under pressure plate, the plate compress the specimen with a specify speed until the national standard require concavity, the load cell feedback the pressure to computer, it processing and display, then measure the indentation hardness of sponge, foam and other materials.
Main Technical Parameters :
1. Control : Computer control and display
2. Induction way : Precision load
3. Capacity : 200Kg
4. Unit : Kg, N, LB
5. Up plate : Diameter 200mm, bottom fillet R1mm;
Low plate : 420 x 420mm, holes diameter 6mm, space 20mm
6. Max stroke : 200
7. Test speed : ±100 20mm/min
8. Motor : Servo motor
9. Transmission : Precision screw
10. Power : Single phase, 220V, 50Hz/60Hz, 2.5A
11. Configuration : One computer and operate software