Alat Uji Semen

Alat Uji Semen

ZS-15 Cement Mortar Jolting Machine

Amplitude                           : 15mm

Vibrating Frequency           : 1Hz

Working cycle                     : 60

Centre distance between tale and arm shalf    : 800mm

Power supply                     : 220V 50Hz,70W


JJ-5 Cement Mortar Mixer

Widht of mixing blade        : 135mm

Mixing bowl capacity         : 5L

Speed of mixing blade      : 140 ± 5r/min. (low  speed) 285 ± 10r/min. (high speed)

Power Supply                   : 220V AC, 50Hz, 550W


Apparatus for Testing Normal Consistency and setting time of cement pate (VICAT)

Product Model                 : HBY-30      HBY-40A

Effective capacity            : 0.3m3        0.4m3

Temp. control                  : 0 – 20         0-20

Temp. Variation               : ±1â—¦C            ±1â—¦C

Humudity control range  : ≥95%          ≥95%

Power                             : 220V 560V 220V 560V


NJ-260A Cement Paste Mixer

Widht of mixing blade    : 111m


Widht if inside diameter of blowl dept blade : 160mm x 138mm