Alat Uji Kaki dan Tangan Kursi

Alat Uji Kaki dan Tangan Kursi

Product Description :

> The use of the test machine to evaluate the ability of the chair to withstand stresses that occur as a result of repetitive loading that can be imposed on the armrest structure. Loading of this type is the result of using the armrests as a support when getting into or out of the chair.

> Test standards :

   Bifma x 5.1 clause 18 Leg strength test

   Clause 19 Footrest static load test - vertical

   Clause 20 Footrest durability test - vertical - cyclic

   Clause 21 Arm durability test – cyclic


Main Technical Parameters :

1.    2 groups of pneumatic actuators can be 10 degrees movable Canted or vertical fixed mounting. Another 2 groups of horizontal mounting actuator for chair legs horizontal thrust test, which minimum adjustment range of 20mm, up to 250mm, maximum thrust to 60Kg. The simultaneously.

2.    Armrest height adjustment range : 550mm ~ 950mm

3.    The applied force is adjustable, force holding time is adjustable.

4.    The maximum sample size width : 1000mm

5.    The test rate : 10 to 30 times/Min

6.    The front-end design of the actuator can be easily load and unload different load accessories.

7.    On time force, peak force display

8.    Vertical actuator maximum force output : 100 Kg

9.    Horizontal thrust force output 70 Kg max.

10.  Accessories : 38mm high block x 2 pieces, arm loading device x 1 pair.

11.  Vertical actuators can work independently or simultaneously.