Alat Uji Dampak Jatuh Kursi

Alat Uji Dampak Jatuh Kursi

Product Description

> Bifma x 5.1 Clause 8, Drop Test-Dynamic Clause 11.3 Impact test


Main Technical Parameters 

1.    This machine can be used to drop impact test and load-ease

2.    Drop height is adjustable ( 10mm to 180 )

3.    Weight sensor accomplishes which can detect the drop bag just left the chair surface of position. According to this position as a starting point and then further on lift up height to enhance, released and allowed to free fall in a chair made of the impact test.

4.    When using the load ease mode, weighted bag will be lift up and down without excess impact.

5.    Test Speed : 0~20 times/min

6.    Largest chair Dimensions width : 1000mm

7.    Accessories : 57Kg, 102Kg, 136Kg weight bag each