Alat Uji Concrete

Alat Uji Concrete

SM-500 Test Mill

Inside dia. of barrel and length    :500 x 500mm

Grinding mediums                       :100Kg

Material size                                :<7mm

Loading capacity                         : 5Kg

Barrel speed                                :=48r/min

rinding time                                :=30min

Power                                         :380V, 50Hz, 1.5Kw


Type 175 Disc Grinder

Disc dia                                      : 175mm

Material size                              : 4mm

Outlet Particle  size                   : 25Kg/h

Power supply                             : 380V, 50Hz, 1.1Kw


SBT-127 Digital Blaine Air

Permeability Apparatus

Inside dia. of permeability cell  : 12.7mm

Height of sample in the cell       : 15mm

Perforated disk                           : 35 (hole)

Diameter of the hole                  : 1.0mm

Thickness of disk                       : 1.0mm

Power                                         : 220V AC


FZ-31A Steam Tank for Cement

Effective volume                     31L

Heating time                            3h


Power supply                           220V, 50z, 4Kw