Alat Pengujian Kursi

Alat Pengujian Kursi

Product Description :

This testing machine chair and stool structure strength, durability features.


Main Technical Parameters :

1.    T drive force can be adjusted to accommodate different height of the chair (500 - 1200mm)

2.    The test times :  0 - 999,999 times can be set arbitrarily

3.    The rest speed adjustable : 0 - 40 times/min

4.    The drive force is adjustable

5.    The seat load force : 5 – 200Kg

6.    Back loading force : 5 – 100Kg

7.    Compressed air requirement : 6kg/cm2

8.    Dwell time and cycle time can be at : 0 – 995

9.    The control mode : PLC programmable controller

10.  Power : 220Volts AC, single phase, power = 200W